Category Archives: Miscellaneous
Mapmaker, Mapmaker Make me a Map!
Wow, another terrific Google product who’s value has yet to be determined. Google Mapmaker turns mapping into Social Media. This is a service that has been available in other countries for a few years (from what I have read) and … Continue reading
Prisoners Forced To… Play Video Games?
Labor Camp Prisoners in China were forced by guards to play online multiplayer games in a moneymaking scheme. The plan (known to gamers as Gold Farming) was to force about three hundred convicts to gather currency by preforming mundane tasks, … Continue reading
Skype Users Report Problems Signing In
Had any troubles logging into Skype lately? Well, don’t worry, a lot of other people have had the same problem. A small faction of it’s 170-something million users have sent in complaints about not being able to sign in. Skype … Continue reading