Category Archives: Social Media
Is Facebook’s Timeline the “Final Cut”?
Is the Facebook Timeline the Social Media realization of Omar Naim’s vision of the future in his 2004 movie, “The Final Cut”? Am I the only one who sees the similarities here? In the movie, which stars Robin Williams (who … Continue reading
Anti-Spyware Should Adapt a New Role: Anti-Social-Media-Spying
I think it will become one of the major issues of our generation: un-ethical infiltration of your life by social networks. Tech writer Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols recently called attention to the myriad ways that Facebook can invade your privacy. He … Continue reading
Facebook Friends Lists vs. Google Circles
“After a series of failed attempts at social networking, Google may have nailed it with Google+. See why and how it could have a major impact on the future of the Web.” So says Jason Hiner, Editor-in-Chief of Tech Republic … Continue reading